Swing for Success: Celebrating the Triumph of the 1st Annual Chrysalis Golf Tournament Fundraiser


On behalf of the organizing committee of the 1st Annual Chrysalis Golf Tournament Fundraiser held on Friday, September 13th at the Coeur d’Alene Golf Club I would like to thank everyone for their generous support of our event!  We are proud to announce we raised over $21,000 and after expenses brought home just over $16000.  That exceeded our wildest dreams, and we could not be more grateful!

This year’s event saw 12 teams tee off on a beautiful day!  I personally enjoyed driving around on the golf cart to watch all the teams play and to bring them treats.  The laughter and camaraderie were a delight! We sold many Mulligans and even had repeat customers.   At the end of the tournament everyone came back to a terrific taco bar lunch put on by the Golf Club!   

Without our sponsors, golfers, supporters and volunteers this event would not have been such a success. We thank you for taking a risk on a 1st year company – we couldn’t have done this without any of you!

Please take the time to acknowledge and support our sponsors and supporters on the following pages.  They were a vital part of our success. 

A big shout out to Spencer and the team at the Coeur d’Alene Golf Club – you were amazing! 

Thanks, do not seem strong enough for our volunteers: Dave, Heather, Lu, Michele, the Men’s NIC Golf Team and their coach, Russell Grove, and last but never least Tara!  Also, a huge thank you to the Chrysalis team who worked so hard – Rosanne, Paula, Karen H, Andrew, Carla, Karen G, Lexy, and Rene who sought out sponsors, donated items and worked hard to get everything ready.  Big thanks to Ed and Zenith Exhibits and our very own Maddi who kept our website and Facebook pages going!

Congratulations and thank you to our winning team of Cory, Jeremy, Russell, and Taylor who donated back their winnings so we could auction them off.  

Thank you again for all who came out and made this such a fun time! It was wonderful to see dear friends and make new friends.  We will look forward to seeing you next September for an even bigger and better event!  The date is yet to be determined but we will be sure to get it out as soon as possible.

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